Thursday, January 27, 2011

Good morning

Just a quick post to say hello, and that I hope you're having a good week. It's almost Friday! I'm having a little trouble getting going today. What about you? I made some coffee, and while caffeine doesn't usually have much of an effect on me, hopefully it will kick in a little bit soon. I plan on going for a run and getting some errands done today. Work has been slow this week, as it sometimes is. I can't complain, but with auditions dying down as well, it does leave me feeling a bit without purpose. I've been trying to come up with some productive ways to fill my time during the day lately. Any ideas for me?

This photo just makes me feel cozy all over.
If you need a little pep in your step this morning, take a minute for yourself before starting your day. Brew some coffee and flip through a magazine or some fun stuff the internet - send a quick happy wall post to a friend on Facebook (you could even send them the little greeting above!), browse through my blog (I'd love to be a part of your morning routine!), or give this blog a try! It's one of my favorites.

I am notorious for making to-do lists. I do it old-school and still write them by hand on little note pads. I am thinking of investing in a cute, decorative pad, just so my lists look a little cheerier. It can't hurt in improving my mood and motivation some days, right? A lot of times, after taking the time to enjoy my morning routine, sitting down and making my to-do list for the day (or the week), is enough to get me geared up to begin my tasks.

Not my to-do list. I wish!

Here's hoping you've had a productive week!


  1. I'm a big to do list person as well, and I also do it by hand. One suggestion? Invest in a big, black sharpie. Crossing out items with it is so gratifying.

  2. Oh yes. LOVE the crossing out part. I definitely have that down.

    Do you ever write things on your list that you've actually already done, just so you can make that mark throught it? Haha!
