Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Some Thanksgiving snaps

Some photos from Thanksgiving weekend:

 An unexpected braid in a pile of hair.
My sister Emily making her newly famous "Trifle" (a layered British dessert with cake, pudding, and pumpkin). I'll have to get her to share the recipe here.

 Elastic-wasted pants and a baggy top = necessary Thanksgiving attire.

Double checking those pumpkin pie directions. I'm no baker.

 Football snacks! My mom and her husband made quite a spread. Steve and I were on our way out the door to meet up with my sister for some shopping...but...oohhh, ok, we'll stay and watch some of the Arkansas game. You convinced us.

Fab cocktails at Fox and Hound Pub, our usual karaoke spot! I was a server there, back in the day....I much prefer this side of things.

How much is too much makeup to pack?

Ok, so obviously, I was pretty awful at taking blog-worthy photos while I was gone. I'll need to get the hang of documenting the holidays through blogging, as I didn't even have my blog this time last year!
Tell me how your week is going and feel free to share any holiday stories!


  1. Your hair looks really good in the picture with the CoronaRita.

  2. Haha I totally LOVE your Thanksgiving attire! I always try to dress cute but after about ten minutes of stuffing myself I turn in my skinny jeans and grab a pair of sweat pants.
    Oh! And your hair looks adorable!
