Monday, January 24, 2011

Let your weekend mood flow into Monday...

It was a fabulous weekend, and I was sorry to see it end! Saturday night was spent downtown seeing three talented bands, especially Language Room, a band I've enjoyed seeing for about a year now. I was pleasantly surprised and impressed by the opening band, IAmDynamite. If you're looking for some new tunes, and would like to support some independent musicians, check out their web sites. One of my friends came up from San Antonio to join Steve and me, and it was an all-around fun time.

I always love having an excuse to dress up, so nights downtown are exciting. However, it was to be a very cold night (lows in the 30s), and you never know how close you'll be able to park on a Saturday, so I wanted to wear something cute, yet comfy and warm enough to get me through the night without a hitch. One thing I love doing when the weather is cold is finding creative ways to layer clothing. You can be as creative as you like! I don't worry too much about matching perfectly. It's a great way to use a bunch of random, fun items you own to come up with something completely unique, and hopefully warm!
I wore a short dark pink/purple plaid skirt with a white, ribbed, racer-back tank top. I put on purple tights and layered them with knee-high black lace stockings on top. I kept my arms warm with my burgundy fingerless gloves. They are sporty looking with white stripes at the ends and go up to the elbows. I wore my relatively new, khaki colored, suded combat boots, which were a perfect option for style, comfort, and warmth. I also added a dark blue, sporty, zip up jacket, which was easy to remove and tie around my waist if I got too warm once we were surrounded by people and dancing.

I completed the look with very dark, smokey eyes and an almost "icy" pink lip. I kept my hair down, as I was really pleased with the fact that it had become wavy at the very ends throughout the day, but stayed straight and smooth everywhere else.

Steve and I spent much of Sunday shopping. He needed some essentials like new jeans. He's a pretty typical guy's guy, but he has a great eye for clothes and always seems to come across great stuff for me whenever we're out! He spoils me so badly, it's ridiculous, so while we went out specifically to buy stuff for him, I ended up coming home with a new pair of skinny jeans and a super fun pair of patent-leather, red, peep-toe heels! They are such a fun little item to instantly perk up any outfit!
One of my best girls met up with us for a little while, and we had a humorous time sitting outside the dressing room, helping Steve decide on which jeans to buy.

Heels by Paprika, Jeans by l.e.i.

This morning, I woke up with Steve and helped him prepare a whole-chicken dinner in the slow-cooker, to be ready this evening when he gets home. For now, I'm sipping coffee and browsing through some of my favorite blogs before putting my to-do list together for the week.

How was your weekend? Share some of your stories...and tell us how you might be coping with the Monday blues.

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