Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I have returned

Ok, so yes, I was a total blog-slacker over my vacation to New Orleans and Arkansas. But I must say, it felt liberating to have not even turned my laptop on for the entire trip.
We just got in from Arkansas. We've done a lot of driving over the past few days (and we did a TON of walking around New Orleans; my feet have the blisters to prove it, even from my most comfortable shoes!), and it was quite a whirlwind, but definitely worth it. It was a blast! For now though, I am ready to camp in front of the TV with a pint of Rocky Road ice cream that I picked up at the gas station a couple blocks from our apartment. Our air conditioning is struggling to catch up to 74 degrees, after being shut off all week, so a cool snack is in order. Plus, I've been SO body/diet-conscious for the past couple weeks, knowing I wanted to wear a hides-nothing white dress last night to go out with my Arkansas friends, so just for now, I'm letting all that go and relaxing! 

I hope you've had a wonderful week while I've been gone. I'll be back tomorrow with more of an update on my trip!

1 comment:

  1. ice cream and tv sound amazing! ive had neither for for the last 3 months. glad you had such an amazing time!!! cant wait to see you.
